Distance Reiki


Reiki energy transcends time and space and can can be sent to any location, anyone, and at any time without physical contact. Distance Reiki can feel different but works the same as an in-person session. Distance Reiki allows you to be in the comfort of your own home or space of choice.

What is needed:

  • Choose the type of Distance Reiki option below.

  • Schedule a time 24 hours in advance when you can be in a quiet space where you will be undisturbed and can position yourself in a comfortable posture (lying in bed or in any comfortable and relaxing position)

  • Virtual sessions require good internet connection and Zoom, FaceTime, or What’s App.

  • Before the session, please inform the practitioner if there is any specific request you are bringing into the healing or any issues you would like to address.

Types of Distance Reiki offered:

1) Virtual/Phone: Distance Reiki with Self-Care Practices - 45 min.

Similar to an in-person Reiki session without physical contact with additional self-care practices. We will connect virtually and start with a check-in, guided relaxation, and setting your intention and transition into the Reiki treatment. We will end with time to check in again and set practices to align with your intention. Includes follow-up and continual support on self-care.

Recommended if you prefer talking and guidance with self-care practices during and after session online or by phone.

2) Non-Virtual: Traditional Distance Reiki - 45 min.

Traditional Reiki treatment. Prior to the treatment, I will text/call you a few minutes before we begin to ask you to prepare and after the session. If you are scheduling it before bed, I will check in with you the next day via email to follow up.

Recommended as a Reiki tune up session, or if you prefer not to connect virtually and a minimal set up.

3) For Others

You can request to have healing sent to a friend, family, co-worker and anyone who you feel can benefit from the Reiki Healing. For more information, please contact Christine at christine@givingearthhealing.com.